What about Hungarian investment citizenship?

Immigration to Europe has several ways: you can acquire a temporary or a permanent resident permit, or even citizenship based on your different activities. However, the most comfortable method is to invest into government bonds for a given period, and acquire a resident permit based on this investment. In this regard, Hungary offers the best package in Europe: you invest only EUR 250,000 for five years, and receive a permanent resident permit for yourself and for your family.
Having a Hungarian permanent resident permit is very much like having citizenship: as Hungary is a member state of the European Union and the Schengen visa zone, you can live, travel and work freely in the Schengen zone. Moreover, you can apply for visa to the UK, Canada or the USA without further difficulties. Besides, since your resident permit is “permanent”, you do not have to worry about its expiration: the permanent resident permit has to be renewed periodically, but the procedure is very easy, just like in the case of any other ID renewal.
The main difference is that only Hungarian citizens can have a Hungarian passport, which enables them to travel to the UK, Canada or the USA without a visa. However, as you can easily apply for a visa with your permanent resident permit as well, having citizenship is not a really big advantage over having "only" a permanent resident permit.
Moreover, acquiring Hungarian citizenship is more difficult than acquiring a permanent resident permit, as it takes 8 years to become eligible. Nevertheless, investing EUR 250k into government bonds and relocating to Hungary can be the first steps toward acquiring Hungarian citizenship in the end – this is why the Hungarian residency bond program is sometimes also referred to as Hungarian investment citizenship program.
If you want to learn more about the Hungarian permanent resident permit or Hungarian citizenship, please write a letter to info@immigratetoeurope.com, or call us on +36.1.317.8570 (Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. CET – 5 p.m. CET). We will happily answer your questions.