Hungarian Residency Bond Program goes live!

In Europe, several countries have programs where businessmen willing to invest significant sums into government bonds are granted permanent resident permit in the given country for themselves and their families. After a lengthy preparation period, now Hungary also offers this possibility – moreover, it offers the best package in Europe.
The Hungarian program officially started in 2012, and everyone was excited waiting for all the details to be clarified. The program promised to be popular among possible investors, as at that time it was already obvious that it offers the best value for money in the area. With only one, fully returnable investment, investors can obtain a permanent resident permit for themselves and their families. As the invested amount is to be paid back at the end of the investment period, it is only the processing fee which has to be considered.
We had to wait until 2014 for the first sell of this very reasonably priced package. Now Hungarian government bonds can be purchased for only EUR 250,000 for a 5 year period, at the end of which the investment sum is fully returned. The processing fee for the investment is defined by the government in EUR 40,000, and it covers for the costs of the investment, e.g. the government check-up on the investor, preparation of the contract, lawyers, etc. Apart from this, you only have to consider the cost of living in general, like travel, insurance, accommodation, schooling for your kids. Moreover, as we can help you through each part of the process, acquiring a permanent resident permit in, and relocation to Hungary will indeed be a worry-free experience.
For more information, please do not hesitate to call our office on +36.1.317.8570, or send us an e-mail to